This is the video of our Episode 35: Meet Pole Coach & Physical Therapist, Kenesha from Pole On The Call that aired Thursday, September 22, 2022.
You can watch this episode on YouTube, or listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, or your favorite podcast service.

In this episode, Cris Rivers & Mændy Mac interview amazing Pole Coach & Physical Therapist, Kenesha!
Let us know how you like our episode and share with a pole friend!
Kinesha's Bio: Neesh aka Pole Savage has been pole dancing since November 2019. She has been an athlete all of her life. She was a competitive track and field athlete through college. She started pole dancing because she thought it looked fun and challenging.
She has competed in two PSO competitions; PSO Northeast 2021 and PSO Atlantic 2022. She recently became a pole instructor in January 2022.
What she loves most about pole dancing is that it makes her feel strong and gives her the motivation to continuously better herself on and off the pole. What she loves most about instructing is seeing her students get excited about their progress.
She is a Physical Therapist. She enjoys intertwining her knowledge as a Physical Therapist with her work as a pole instructor to promote injury prevention for her students and others.
Instagram: @polesavage